the 25+ students who made up my 5th grade class turned into 2 in my 6th grade class. Why? A rabid sick disgusting right wing preacher took over the Christian school I went to. He beat me and several others every single day. He made a comment that he had to sleep with his daughters because his wife was "frigid." YES, he meant it THAT WAY too.
Parents took their children out of that Christian school in droves that year. Guess who was one of the 2 in 6th grade who weren't pulled out of that school after the preacher/principal made that comment?
My mother refused to believe it...
Over half the students who had been pulled out of that school between 5th and 6th grades because of that sick, brutal, psychotic man, ended up with this list of problems:
6 developed stomach ulcers
5 of those 6 developed PTSD
1 (not one of the 6 with stomach ulcers and PTSD) was committed to a mental hospital several times from that point on and sleeps with a .45 under his pillow to this day because of the memories of that place
2 attempted suicide (5th graders!!!)
ALL (every single one from that 5th grade class) ended up going to psychiatrists
2 were molested (details never got out, but it was the preacher who molested 1 and one of the male teachers who molested the other)
NONE ever wanted to step foot inside of a church or Christian led gathering ever again in their lives
And that is just how his new rules and physical and mental abuse affected the 5th grade class.
When my mother finally started hearing about all of that, she finally pulled me out of that place and put me in public school. But, by then, it was too late. I was beaten every single day until I left that school.
I was once beaten for merely having a picture of Deborah Harry in my locker at school.
I was once beaten for using the girls' bathroom in the church instead of the school, because I had to go and the girls' bathroom in the school had been completely out of order for over a month. I had to go and I had had enough of the boys getting to use their bathroom first while the girls had to wait. I had to really go. So, I went over to the church, one car width away from the front door which was only 6 feet away from the line. Less than 20 steps to a working bathroom and in plain view of the teachers, and I got beaten for needing to go to the bathroom to bad to wait any longer.
I was beaten the day after that for pointing out that the teacher must have forgotten promising to let the girls use the bathroom in the church bathroom instead of waiting in line. My aunt had heard about them denying me bathroom access for over 20 minutes when I had to go and talked to the principal and the teacher about it.
So, I got beat one day for using the bathroom across the drop-off point in front of the school and the next day for pointing out that the teacher had promised us we wouldn't have to wait in a line like that again then denied it.
THAT, the second beating in two days over simply needing to be allowed to go to the bathroom (it is in my medical records that I have kidney problems and NEED to have access to a bathroom, holding it causes me severe kidney infections) was the final straw. After hearing about what all the other kids were going through, my mother still only considered taking me out of that school. When I was beaten 2 days in a row over a girls bathroom that had been out of order for over a month, I was finally freed from that fucking hellhole.
HELL NO! No way public school money should ever go to schools that are even potentially like that.
I hope he finds safety and security and gets away from them before they damage him for life like I have been. I hope he can escape and not have to live with the memories like I, and so many others, do. :( :cry: