I was sleeping and woke up w/ CSPAN on.
The man is a walking douche nozzle.
He was going on and on about how bad the jobs bill will be and won't the democratic rep.
from N. Carolina agree w/ me so i can get more time to offer an amendment to the bill
that moves 13 billion of it's 15 billion to something completely new because I don't
like the bill. very rough quote
bottom line he was asking the Democrat to give him more time to be an asshole and when
he was told no he just kept yapping about wanting to recommit the bill (aka kill it or stall it)
there is no working w/ douche nozzles. :grr:
exact quote
“This is a no-jobs bill, this is a faux-jobs bill, this is a snow-jobs bill,” Representative Steven C. LaTourette, Republican of Ohio, said.
:rant: I have friends in Painesville OH and they seem normal who could vote for this shit bag?
BTW the only other time I had really heard of him was as a state senator he was upset about the
skimpy bathing suits those teen girls were wearing @ a state park.