Tar and Feather Patriot Feed
MadMax99 Listen to Rush, Mark Levin, others...learning about the constitution...arguing with anyone stupid enough to tell me they love what's happening to our country...email and call rep's and senators.
http://www.teapartypatriots.org/Group/Tar_and_FeatherDon't forget to check out the comments left...
From nomotalkin Posted 1/14/2010 12:48:17 AM
I totally understand all the concerns we have about the healthcare bill, cap and trade, and a mirage of other concerns but what difference does any of this make if we cannot trust our election process? Fraud is Fraud and I don't understand why the Republicans are not introducing legislation to require photo ID in order to vote. At least the introduction of a bill would call out the Dems on this. Their excuses are lame and everyone knows it. The Repubs need to get extremely aggressive. It seems to me that they should be doing everything they can while the Dems are bogged down in negative issued such as healthcare. How about a great bill that would "prevent" any legal recourse from environmental wackos when we drill for oil offshore, you know, similar to immonent domain that they put on us when they want our land "for the good of the public". Seems simple enough to me since "everyone" would gain from new energy sources. These socialist are trying to destroy us. One bill could take care of them permanently. Get going Repubs!!!