if the West's war in Afghanistan is in the process of being won? It has become standard practice to presume that this isn't possible and that immersion in a quagmire followed by ignominious retreat is guaranteed.
Much of the discussion among policy makers and commentators has priced in a debilitating stalemate or defeat. But what if these presumptions turn out to be plain wrong?
There are some encouraging signs of progress becoming visible on the horizon in Afghanistan. Operation Moshtarak in Helmand province got under way in mid-February, with a combined force in the region of 15,000 taking on the Taliban.
It has had some success with various insurgent strongholds taken. Under the direction of ISAF (the International Security Assistance Force) the force is around 60% Afghan.
In Pakistan, the renewed focus on cooperation and assistance from American drones appears to be producing a dividend. One of the most experienced Pakistani commanders in the frontier war with the Taliban, Major Gen. Tariq Khan, told the Times of London that his force of 45,000 has inflicted significant casualties, killed the Taliban leadership and captured bases. Earlier this week Gen. Khan showed off to journalists the recently captured network of caves on the Afghan border reported to have sheltered Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri.
more at link above.... please critique this, thank you kindly.