The people of USA voted for Democratic members of Congress and a Democratic President to GOVERN.
Bring the major legislative action on Health Care to an "Up Or Down - Majority Rules" vote. Vote it up. Bring it home. Get this going.
Should any piece of Democratic legislation be threatened with a filibuster by any one, the Democratic Party response MUST be "Majority rules, bring it to the floor. Give the piece of legislation an up or down vote."
The members of the Democratic Party have exhausted every possible excuse trying to avoid doing what the people sent them to do. The Republicant Party cannot be used as cover for Democratic Party not governing. No more half-stepping, no more posturing. No more 'sun was in my eyes and it was too dark to see,' 'the world is flat - no body likes me' excuses.
Govern and the people will support the leadership. Do nothing and the Democratic Party deserves nothing but the people's scorn.
Ema Nymton ~@:o? .