*Radical homosexuals ate my baby!
/By Mark Morford/
And now, ladies and gentlemen, right here on our stage, a fine and terrifyingly
hilarious -- or is that hilariously terrifying? -- spectacle, for your
disquieting reading pleasure. Please, remove the children. Ready?
Behold, an item known henceforth as the National Impact Survey of the Radical
Homosexual Agenda in California Public Schools, as recently and furtively
received/discovered by yours truly, your humble and sexually perverted and
imperfectly liberal, very-straight-but-very-gay-rights-supporting satire
columnist, in a roundabout manner I cannot divulge right now lest I might get
shot waiting in line at Starbucks
http://wc.sfgate.com/t?r=1854&c=2005123&l=53406&ctl=2E8D581:C03CC34683EFF8FD6AE0A03942CA1610D22988DE4DD1AE55&>. What is the NISRHACPS, you ask? Why, it's a document. It's a mailer. It's a
survey of sorts, a short, wretched little questionnaire made entirely of sadness
and bile and fear.
It's a piece of paper sent out en masse to particular members of the Republican
party who are so openly terrified of all homosexual personages, they fully
believe said gays are actively bewitching and recruiting your innocent children
behind the locked doors of hugely perverted schoolhouses near you. ...
*(click here
http://wc.sfgate.com/t?r=1854&c=2005123&l=53406&ctl=2E8D57C:C03CC34683EFF8FD6AE0A03942CA1610D22988DE4DD1AE55&> to read the rest)*