Analysis: Hard part in Marjah has just begunBy Christopher Torchia - The Associated Press
Posted : Thursday Mar 4, 2010 17:31:18 EST
KABUL — The hardest fighting is over, but the battle for Marjah is just beginning.
The outcome of last month’s military campaign was never in doubt. With 15,000 combined NATO and Afghan troops pouring in to oust an estimated 400-1,000 insurgents, it was simply a question of how long it would take to clear the southern Afghan city that belonged to the Taliban for years.
Now, the fight for Marjah focuses on keeping the population safe and — perhaps harder — setting up the first clean and effective civilian administration there in decades.
The war in Afghanistan is not just about seizing territory. Western forces, in enough numbers and backed by enough firepower, can do that almost anywhere against scattered insurgent squads with inferior weaponry, however determined the Taliban are, however inventive and deadly their booby traps and ambushes.
In the long term, the war is more about perceptions of authority and commitment than casualty tolls and objectives cleared, more about the Afghan civilians and what they believe and fear.
Rest of article at: comment: This sure sounds Vietnam - the old Hearts and Minds BS.