The 72-page PowerPoint presentation reveals the blunt appeal to emotion that both parties use to motivate donors and prefer to keep private. But its release online and consequent cable chatter became an unwelcome distraction for Republicans, because the strategy it outlined fit squarely with Democrats' portrait of the GOP as the party of "no." the story by Amy Gardner, who seems to have missed the significance of the revelation, which Howard Dean and Lawrence O'Donnell
nailed on MSNBC yesterday. This leak is not news because
both parties do this shit and neither one wants the public to know what they're up to. You certainly get that impression from this paragraph, though don't you? Like, there but for the grace of the leak gods go the Democrats, right?
No, this is news because it shows how great is the contempt the Republican Party feels for the morons who send big and little checks to them--but especially for the little morons, the angry white teapartyer suckers. Of course those dopes aren't reading the Post or probably any paper. And they aren't watching MSNBC, either. They're probably having their tummies rubbed and heads pattend over on Fox News Channel right now.