Text of an email I received today. I may go, don't know yet: Dear ---,
Big Insurance's lobbying arm is coming to town March 9 for a conference focused on plans to kill real health care reform.
Union members and leaders, including AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka, are going to fight back—and we need you to join us in person!
Hit the streets with thousands of union members and leaders, Health Care for America Now activists and others to tell the Big Insurance companies we're sick of their abusive practices and we demand strong health care reform now.
Time: Tuesday, March 9, at 11 a.m. Location: AFSCME, 1625 L St., N.W.
We'll march together from AFSCME's offices to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel at 22nd and M Streets, N.W., for a rally, so if you can't meet us at AFSCME, just meet us at the Ritz-Carlton at 11:30 a.m.
Big Insurance has had too much control over our families' lives for too long, and too much control over the health care reform debate. Let's stop Big Insurance now. Join us next Tuesday and help make a difference.
In solidarity,
Marc Laitin AFL-CIO Online Mobilization Coordinator