This was the headline in our local Hope, AR paper yesterday:
"Miss Arkansas takes on Ross --
Former beauty queen files for Congress" quit voting for Mike Ross about 6 or 7 years ago when his Republic leanings had become quite apparent. When his name came up on the ballot I just left it blank. However, he hasn't had a Rethug challenger in all that time. Now it looks like he will and I'll be damned if it's not another former Beauty Queen... and a big ole Right Winger, of course. What is it with the sudden rash of former beauty pageant contestants infiltrating politics?
This is going to be a real dilemma for me, but I suppose I'd still rather see someone with a (D) behind their name in the office than the dreaded(R). Oh why can't we get some real progressive candidates to run?
Well, you can bet where my support in the Arkansas senatorial race is going to be... Bill Halter all the way! Screw Blanche!