Government run healthcare? Like the DMV? as we have often heard
How about healthcare run by corporations? Oh that's right we already have that and it doesn't work!!!
for instance the way Comcast runs their business.
Last thursday I awoke to the "white screen of death"- as Comcast initiates its "Digital Migration" that no one saw coming (we supposedly got a letter, the tech who was here last Sunday said that even they hadn't heard about it until thursday morning) some channels are cut off until you get a digital adapter--which is not the same as the digital converter which we already have. The adapter comes with its own remote control. Channels like The Weather Channel and the Food Network (my daughter loves watching that especially since we rarely can watch shows OnDemand that she likes).
So I make my almost daily call to report that the internet and video on demand service that we pay for is yet again not working. In the, lets say, conversation I mention that the white screen of death now looks like it is an error with TiVo....and then I heard "Oh the adapter doesn't work with TiVo"
I guess they want us to get (and pay for) their DVR. Well we have the adapters I just haven't installed and "activated" them because we are switching to FIOS soon so maybe you can say this is a bit of my own fault. BUT....
They didn't make their adapter which should just be an addition to the existing cable connection suitable for TiVo??? We bought a new computer last week and it is plug-and-play (when we have internet) :eyes:
So on this thursday I get up and flip over to see what is happening in the wide world of news (since we didn't have internet AGAIN-did I mention that? :grr: )
Guess which "news" channel is NOW blocked by the Digital Migration
Your choices are:
Go ahead, guess.