I watched Rachel Maddow's interview with Maj. Almy the other night & nearly cried. A man who has risked his life serving his country with integrity & courage for 13 years is fired under DADT simply for his sexual orientation. Not his character, not any criminal or unethical behavior. He did not even violate their stupid law but was a victim of illegal "spying", IMO. He was stripped of his security clearance, forced to take a pay cut & frog-marched off his base.
Now, again we have ANOTHER U.S. Congress critter, Eric Massa (D-NY) who is resigning after admitting to misconduct toward a staff member. In another thread, one DUer listed a Wikipedia entry listing ALL the Congressional scandals & crimes over quite a long period of time - Democratic & Republican. This is a bi-partisan rant. Even their investigations & defense cost us tax money!
Not once have I ever seen a Congress critter frog-marched out under police escort. To the best of my knowledge, even if they're convicted of a crime, they keep most if not all of their salary, pension, benefits & perks. NOTE: Any Duer that has facts on that issue, please post. Even when they resign or are forced out, they sit it out awhile & come back for a new political career and/or pundit bloviating on MSM. Think Newt or DeLay etc.
I'm tired of subsidizing crooks & sleazeballs. I'm furious that they make exhorbitant amounts of money with lucrative future employment & perks while trimming "entitlement" programs that save people's lives. I'm angry that they've indebted my grandchildren & can't seem to guarantee the richest country in the world education, health-care & a living wage while they suck us dry.
I think the time is long overdue for serious legislation stripping them of ALL requisite government benefits if they resign or are convicted. If we're fired for misconduct we get ZIPPO! And they should pay for their own freakin' legal bills! They're not "entitled" to those benefits!
I think we should name the legislation "Major Almy's Bill". I think this is truly an outrage, and in the face of the dithering over DADT, I think enough is already too bloody much. :rant: