Did Republicans govern like Attila the Hun? What were the major policy achievements of Bush? Tax cuts of 2001. War in Iraq Tax cuts of 2003
The first and 3rd are sorta easy to sell and hard to fight. To sell it, you goto the public and offer "Free money". To fight it, you have to step up and say "I am against free money."
The war was sold as well by ginning up both fear and hate. The Saddamy-man was very easy to hate. Since the Gulf war of 1990 there had been a steady stream of propaganda on American news about how terrible, awful, no good very bad man that Saddam was. Even worse than Seinfeld, who is a very, very bad man.
Another part of the awfulness of the Bush administration came from DU. When we came to DU, we were barraged with complaints about Bush, and they were always hyperbolic. It was a daily attack on freedom and decency during the Bush years. Was it fascism yet? We joined a crowd here in three minutes of hate, shouting our curses at the hated letter W.
Now we seem to get the same thing, only the focus of our hate is on Obama. He makes us sick, if we are like Michael Moore, and everybody wants to be like Mike. Here we get another daily dose of outrage, with at least ten statements a day of a new outrage and betrayal from the Obama administration, even over things that he promised to do, like focus on Afghanistan or try to be bipartisan.
It was much the same way in 2006. Because the new Democratic Congress was neither impeaching Bush, nor cutting off the funding of the Iraq war, there was constant disgust, not against Republicans, who were sustaining Bush vetoes or against Bush for making the vetoes, but against Democrats. Some people will never be happy until Bush, Cheney, McConnell, Boehner, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Billo et. al. are rounded up, taken to Guantanamo and waterboarded ten times a day. Until that happens, Democrats are a bunch of "spineless, gutless, wishy-washy pansy faces".
The fair-watherness of liberal fandom is truly a sight to behold. We sit in our easy chairs, Monday-morning quarterbacking our team to the point where we hate our team for not winning. We sit in the stands with bags over our heads booing and then wonder why our team cannot even win with HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE. Except that home field advantage comes from having lots of CHEERING fans, not from fans who turn on you whenever you fail to run the plays they are calling from the stands.
Hatred of our quarterback - Obama, has carried over from the primaries when many were not just Clinton supporters, but Obama haters. Heck, why not, I was a Clinton hater, but many of them are still biding their time, looking for reasons to say "I told you so" to all the kool-aid drinking Obama-bots and cheerleaders. And other complaints started before anything was even done. People here got mad about Rahm, about Geithner, about Summers, about Daschle, about Vilsack, about Warren, etc., etc., etc. Well, once you decide you hate somebody and have other people constantly pointing out his faults and only his faults, it becomes pretty easy to find fault. A quote I like, although I cannot remember the source, or the exact quote. It says "If you like somebody, they can dump a plate of spaghetti in your lap and you will laugh, whereas if you hate somebody, then the way they hold their fork infuriates you."
Many people here, already hate the Democratic Party, for not being the Socialist Workers Party. They will go all out to defend Nader and go all out to attack Obama, Reid and Pelosi. The way those Democrats hold their forks is magnified and blown into an atrocity. They are put under a microscope and found to be covered with flaws, like Tina Fey in a high definition camera. They are not imperfect people fighting for a more progressive America against a powerful Rightwing Noise Machine, in this view, instead they are store-bought, cowardly sell outs.
Ralph Nader, otoh, takes a dump on America's plate by working so hard to make Bush President in 2000, and many here are still calling it chocolate pudding. Four legs good, two legs bad. Socialist good, Democrats bad.