It's been blogged all over the place, so doubtless you've read about a rather alarming development on the religious extremist front in Texas. I'm talking about the militia-style hate group known as Repent Amarillo. Here's the banner from their website:
When you go their website, you're treated to some martial music and the sound of gunshots. They refer to themselves as the Army of God, and their motto is:
"We are the Special Forces of spiritual warfare, we're looking for a few good warriors."
Think Progress has a good post about the group (based on original reporting by the Texas Observer), summarizing some of their goals. Note the part I've emphasized in boldface:
An evangelical Christian hate group called “Repent Amarillo” is reportedly terrorizing the town of Amarillo, Texas. Repent fashions itself as a sort of militia and targets a wide range of community members they deem offensive to their theology: gays, liberal Christians, Muslims, environmentalists, breast cancer events that do not highlight abortion, Halloween, “spring break events,” and pornography shops. On its website, Repent has posted a “Warfare Map” of its enemies in town...
Continued>>>'re Taliban terrorists and they need to be REMOVED from the US military!