California State Senator Roy Ashburn (R-Bakersfield) is taking a
leave of absence from work after he was arrested for driving under the influence while leaving the Sacramento gay bar Faces.
Back in September 2000, a fundamentalist advocate of the ex-gay movement, John Paulk, was
caught in a similar moral transgression (but at least did not drive drunk):
On September 19, 2000 while on a speaking tour, Paulk was spotted at Mr. P's, a Washington, D.C. gay bar. A patron recognized him and contacted Wayne Besen of the Human Rights Campaign, Truth Wins Out, and other gay political action organizations. When Besen arrived at the bar forty minutes later and confronted Paulk, he denied that he was in fact John Paulk. Upon exiting the bar, Paulk's picture was taken as documentation that he had been in the bar. When confronted by Besen about the incident and the photographs, Paulk admitted being in the bar, but stated that he didn’t know it was a gay bar and had simply stopped in for a moment to use the restroom. However, eyewitnesses reported that Paulk stayed for more than an hour, flirted with other men, and when questioned about his sexuality, said he was gay.
Paulk was called back to Focus on the Family headquarters and was questioned by James Dobson. At first Paulk reportedly evaded a direct answer about the incident; however he later confessed that he had been in the bar for the purpose of flirting.
Regarding Ashburn, reports say that another man was found in his state-owned vehicle that he drove while intoxicated. Since entering the California Legislature in 1996, Ashburn has consistently voted against gay rights, but
his vote was in the minority always.
PS: In 2000, Paulk was featured on the cover of