all down with 'E's. As a foreclosed on homeowner of 15 years while packing for the move to an apartment the other day, I came across an old journal/notebook and thought it speaks to how we got here, but why we remain is a mystery to me.
September 28, 2006
Mr. Bush,
Before I say what I mean to, I'll explain what I'm sure you believe is an improper salutation. You are not my president, not just because I didn't vote for you, but because both elections are fraught with voting...anomolies. This suggests to me that the means by which you've obtained this position make your claim to the title null and void.
I have only two complaints. All that you are and all that you do.
First and foremost, that trigger happy boy man cattle cry you deem a war on terror is an oxymoron. War is terror, you and your crew bring it better than anybody. When children anywhere in the world wake up regularly to the sound of bombs and gunfire, it's safe to assume they feel terrorized. But you don't stop at military mechanisms in other nations to control and oppress, you have much handier tools right here at home, which you employ regularly against your own public.
You terrorize the quality of public education by enacting No Child Left Behind. Withholding federal funds from academic institutions based on some assessment because students don't pass tests is no one's idea of a solution.
Your economic policy is an act of terror against the quality of life for the bulk of American citizens. Insurance costs and energy prices skyrocket while jobs fade into the global landscape. You've upped the ante on survival and at the same time removed or lessened our means to do so. It appears because we lack the affluence to influence.
Your international policy is an act of terror against the image this nation has worked over two centuries to build. How you justify nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet make no attempt to modify the structure of countries like Saudi Arabia or Dubai is such an inconsistent position, it calls your credibility into serious question. I tend to think that's because you don't really mean what you say if there's something in it for you.
Your judicial policy is an act of terror against the spirit of the document that is this country's roots, its backbone and its beacon. The manner in which you have tampered with the constitution makes a mockery of its intent. Your interpretation of the ever expanding powers of the executive branch speak more to the creation of a new empire than the preservation and progress of a free society.
It's been clear to me from the start that your not the sharpest pencil in the box, just a short, egotistical rich kid cowboy who has surrounded himself with a pack of rabid war dogs. They possess a diabolical appetite for a kind of control the world has not known since the crusades. They are power mongering, fear selling zealots hoping the panic they create will cover their greedy self serving tracks of corruption and back door dealing.
You are little more than a puppet, but certainly somewhat less than adequate as a viable front man.
What lies in the wake of your leadership will be the undoing of a century's civil progress, and it was accomplished in a tenth of the time it took to build.
That is what I see as a losing place in history, and richly deserved.