I've been predicting that as Uranus (revolutionary rebellion and individuality) edges closer to Aries (warfare) and begins to form a challenging square to Pluto (transformation) in Capricorn (government), we will be seeing more "lone wolf" acts of rebellion such as the one last week where someone piloted a plane into an IRS building in Austin Texas. Now, with Mars closely approaching it's stationary point which will culminate March 10, we have another "lone wolf" act of rebellion against the symbols of the government of the United States.
You know what? This is the second time I've posted an article where it gets so ridiculous that I'm not even going to post the link. Many of you will point out that seeking these astrological explanations for things distracts you from the real causes. But then at the same time, if you look at some of your explanations for why things are so bad, you don't really go so far as to take responsibility for finding the real causes of the problems and instead blame the DLC, the corporations, the Democratic Party, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and leave it there.