This may not be the best .... but it may inspire a better idea...please cut past and send to your senator.
We need jobs. The economic recovery is fragile. Borrowing money to pay unemployment will not be politically sustainable.
During the 1930’s public works programs on dams and other projects, created huge economic growth in the western states. It is time for our leaders to show such vision. It is also time tackle the issue of climate change and food production. What we are proposing is a small step in tackling these problems.
The states in the rock mountain rain shadow grow a large amount of US grains. Currently this is sustained buy draining an aquifer using wells and large-scale irrigation. Please reference the light blue is in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and northwest Texas.
I am proposing the government use existing federal land.
Develop a self financing (in the long term) new major green US city.
Starting with digging large sinkholes the size of a large copper mine and fill them with crushed limestone or other filtering material. (Aquifer Recharge filters) ARF.
Dam up the near by river.
Create a reservoir lake for recreational purposes.
As the dam fills it will cover the ARF’s
The government can the sell lakeside property to help cover the initial cost of the project.
Federal government will also builds a medical university and regional medical center.
This will provide a buffer against climate change; create jobs, schools for badly needed doctors, and a new Retirement/University/Green City in the center of the United States.
See this link for map of aquifer and rivers. There must be some federal land available in this vast are. am I just crazy ?