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Kathy Griffin Skewers Sarah Palin During Comedy Show In Alaska. Escorted Onto Stage By Levi Johnston

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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-07-10 05:53 AM
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Kathy Griffin Skewers Sarah Palin During Comedy Show In Alaska. Escorted Onto Stage By Levi Johnston
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Comedian Kathy Griffin has brought her "Life on the D-List" show to Sarah Palin's home state, skewering the former Alaska governor at a raucous show in Anchorage.

Griffin was escorted on stage on Friday by Playgirl model Levi Johnston, who fathered a child with Palin's oldest daughter and is involved in a child support battle with Bristol Palin.

Griffin said she spent a day ice fishing with Johnston in Wasilla, and was surprised when 19-year-old Levi's friend brought along a camera – but only to photograph the fish they caught.

Griffin helped Johnston's celebrity star to rise, taking the aspiring actor to an awards show last year as her date. While in Wasilla, Griffin said she also went to Palin's home. There she left a note, inviting Palin to Friday's performance.

She asked the crowd to look around and see if anyone was doing a pageant wave.

Griffin said John McCain picked Palin to be his running mate on the Republican ticket after "talking to her for 10 minutes."

Of Palin's monologue this week on "The Tonight Show," Griffin only promised the audience she would never try to be a mayor.

Griffin also claimed Palin is a "gift that keeps on giving."

Griffin welcomed news that Palin is trying to shop a reality show or docudrama about Alaska. She called that a "gift from God."

Don't see a clip yet. Wish I had been there.
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progressoid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-07-10 09:12 AM
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1. She called that a "gift from God."
Suck it Jesus!


Loves me some Kathy Griffin
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-07-10 09:59 AM
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2. What I wouldn't give to see Levi walk her on stage.
Brilliant move.
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AwakeAtLast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-07-10 10:54 AM
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3. Love Kathy Griffin
She says things I only think in my head. Maybe I will actually say them sometime, LOL!

She and Johnston together are always hilarious.
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Cass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-07-10 11:01 AM
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4. "...a gift from God..." bwhahaha!
Kathy Griffin is a pisser!
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live love laugh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-07-10 10:18 PM
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5. "She asked the crowd to look around and see if anyone was doing a pageant wave." Bwahahaaaa
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