Right wingers here in Nevada are convinced that Harry Reid is behind the Tea Party candidate, Jon Scott Ashjian, claiming Reid set up Ashjian's run to siphon votes from the Republican candidate. They point to the fact that Ashjian is Mormon and his attorney is a registered Democrat. Folks in the comments sections of our local rags claim he supported Obama ~ all the makings of a grand conspiracy. Meanwhile, we find out that Ashjian
http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/mar/05/political-newbie-could-split-gop/">owes more than $200,000 in back taxes.
Can Nevada politics get any more exciting? :D
Sneaky Sen. Reid
And finally, don't fail to read
this morning's story in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on this so-called Tea Party candidate who is allegedly going to run against Harry Reid.
Repped by a Democrat, a Las Vegas businessman no one has heard of has found the statewide organization to potentially get the "Tea Party" on the ballot and run as its standard bearer.
C'mon, man! You buying that?
Nationally, the Tea Party movement has avoided party status and candidates. Except Nevada? You gotta believe the Reid campaign, or some form thereof, is behind this tactic.
And frankly, it's a brilliant tactic. If Reid can get the Tea Party name on the ballot, it will absolutely shift some votes away from the Republican candidate, who in a head-to-head matchup right now beats Reid hands down.
Look, Reid has more money than God for this race. But because almost everyone in Nevada has made up their minds about Reid, that money isn't going to move the needle for him much.
That money is going to be used primarily to move the needle away from his Republican opponent. After the primary, Reid will unleash a negative campaign the likes of which has never been seen in this state. And, if a few million dollars can also be used for sneaky campaign tricks like propping up phony campaigns or sponsoring faux news sites (paging Erin Neff, there's an envelope for you at the front desk), well that's just old-fashioned addition by subtraction.
But even if reporters sniff out the Reid connection to this so-called Tea Party, getting the party to appear on the ballot will be a coup for the struggling Reid campaign.