Today I was chit-chatting with my Libertarian friend (I know but she has been very kind to me). We were talking about car insurance and she was pissed off about them raising their rates for no good reason except that they could. Suddenly she started to rant about how she hated all insurance companies, auto, home and especially health. Now, she works in finance on the Street in a secure job and has very good health insurance. She is very into the "free market" and usually sounds just like a typical Lib, i.e. a Republican isolationist who thinks government should stay out of all social issues. She hated Bush but was into the young lions of the GOP and never like to hear about my "extreme politics".
When I asked her why she thought Health Care was in such a mess she outright stated it was because the Republicans in the Senate were bought and paid for by the insurance companies and they were spreading lies through the disgusting right wing media and half the country was so stupid they believed the lies being told them. I couldn't believe it. When did the light of day break through? This is a life long conservative from Texas who makes her money in money, coming out in favor of socialized medicine. She actually said that the health insurance companies need to be destroyed...never to return.
This change occured in only the last week or so. What's going on?