Reportedly a Catholic, he divorced his wife of 26 years in 2003 and has four daughters and two grandkids.
After a leglislative career of consistently voting against gay rights measures, and co-hosting an anti gay marriage rally in 2005 with the execrable Lou Sheldon (protecting the sanctity of marriage and traditional moral values) , he gets busted for DUI reportedly after a night out at one of those (oh no, think of the children) gay bars that he's been frequenting.
Drives drunk...almost twice over the legal a state vehicle provided by the tax payers. Brilliant. Why call a cab for himself and his companion when the tax payers are subsidizing his personal transportation? Thank goodness, at least he didn't get into an accident and hurt someone.
As of Friday according to local Ch 13, this stalwart defender of "traditional moral values" was still hiding out in his Sacramento home. He was quick to trot out the requisite "I'm so sorry" standard press blurb on the DUI, but that was before word of his other activities hit the media. Since then he's been silent. Not even a "think of the children" peep. He's been a career pol and hitched his wagon to the Repub platform. Likely doesn't see himself as a bad guy, or a hater. He just supported them and helped enable them.
He's term limited out, he'd pissed off his Repub colleagues by voting for a state budget last year, and the anti-gay "moral values" constituency he pandered to over the years is likely not going to be there for him, except perhaps for making him a poster boy as an anti-gay gay. Reportedly after his aspirations to run for a Congressional seat evidently were dashed earlier this year (PTB support another guy), Ashburn had been hoping for a Governor's appointment to one of the many state boards/commissions where washed up pols get to remain on the public's dime. Arnie may yet still do him a favor before he leaves, since the state budget always seems to have money to keep governor appointee positions, even as civil service employee positions and public services are cut.