March 7, 2010 3:13 PM | from the chicago tribune
Small businesses and ordinary citizens are suffering under the crushing increases in health insurance premiums, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said today at a press conference with Chicago-area business owners and residents meant to underscore the need for healthcare reform.
Durbin said that health insurance premiums could increase up to 60 percent in Illinois this year. Meanwhile, he said, insurance companies are experiencing some of their highests profits in history.
"The outrageous premium prices which they have been pushing on the American people in order to drive up their profits are unacceptable and unfair," Durbin said. "We're going to start watching them more closely, requiring them to spend a higher percentage of premiums going for actual medical care. The party's over."
He said the plan is to send President Obama a healthcare reform package in a matter of weeks.
"First we're going to end their anti-trust exemption," Durbin said. "Currently, they can literally collude and conspire to fix prices. It's legal. It's legal. And it's been that way for over 60 years. We're going to change that."... like getting rid of the anti-trust exemption.
flame away guys. I know you will.