I'm fired up about a number of primary challenges to conservadems, especially on health care. In fact, I've statted a Research Forum page so you can list other websites. Don't drop out or join useless third parties ferchrissakes--PRIMARY the bastids! No serious primary challenger in your state or your Congressional District? Then find a couple of candidate elsewhere in the country and help them.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_oet&address=358x5391As a health care activist, I am particularly excited about a candidate in my state who is going after a Democrat, who when asked whether he thought health care was a right, allowed as to how he wasn't really sure about that.
http://kalbforcongress.com/http://kalbforcongress.com/contribute.htmlhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Kalb-for-Congress/308561355228A REAL Democrat for a Change
This country has been leveraged. Our economy and lives are suffering as a consequence.
The lives of our citizens cannot be put on hold while we wait for the nation's balance sheets to reconcile.
Your needs are urgent. Your needs are reasonable.
Your needs are real:
--Real jobs.
--Real schools.
--Real health care.
The key to real change is real representation.