Edited on Sun Mar-07-10 10:55 PM by UndertheOcean
Forget about choice or life . Forget about your Ideology. Marxism , Capitalism , Anarchism forget all the isms.
don't base your decisions in life around cold analytic ideologies , which can only approximate the human condition . And life is way more complex to be reduced to a set of theories.
Just take every thing on a case by case basis , doing whatever reduces the suffering.
That is the best you can do to make a dent in the course of human history.
The greatest people in the world , are ones that history will never remember ... The volunteers in homeless shelters , Docotors living in third world countries offering all they can to help and turning their backs on luxury and greed. Church abbots protecting undocumented immigrants . Millions of acts of kindness that go on around us everyday.
I went from Islamist , to Atheist , to Agnostic Marxist , to Anarchist , and now I just abhor all ideology ... I believe it is a kind of secular religion and one of the blights brought upon the suffering.
Read and learn for sure, read Lenin's or Strauss's tomes ... but don't make a religion out of it.
Just reduce the suffering , please , in any little or big way you can.