Two thousand years ago a man came from Galilee, healing the sick, teaching peace, and if you are so inclined to believe, he was the living son of the god of love, come to redeem all mankind.
Being good and righteous, his words were mostly forgotten, unless some depraved thing could twist them into tools of menace and control. This sickness has come and gone through twenty long, dark centuries of robbery, rape, murder … and worse.
Today the thing we'd thought we'd set aside during the wars of the Reformation has again taken root, this time growing within sight of our capitol. Another time of darkness is upon us, unless the forces of reason strike with every tool the rule of the law provides.
Stranded Wind's diary :: :: First, understand what we face. This is a Pope's Pear. It was inserted into the vagina of a woman who 'committed' miscarriage, then cranked open to the maximum extent, at the very least forever maiming and most likely killing the victim.
We are, for the moment, not yet manufacturing these things again, but the state of Utah seems primed to start locking women away for the misfortune of bearing a fetus with some genetic flaw that does not permit it to live to term.
GEEZ! Maybe we should start putting up safehouses for the women who want to escape from Utah!