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What would you say? What would you ask?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
JFN1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-08-10 12:56 PM
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What would you say? What would you ask?
I'm hoping to get a chance to say and ask these things, in the next few weeks as Mr. Obama goes around the country to sell his vision of health care reform. I have heard he may be coming to my area, and if so, I'm getting on the list immediately. I'm a combat veteran, I live in pain every day, and my sacrifice deserves to be, in the very least, responded to. I'm not a diplomat; I'm an American, and I will speak my mind without fear.

From my perch, this is how things look, and thus, this is what I will ask Mr. Obama, if I get the chance:

"Mr. Obama - I was very happy when you got elected. My wife and I both worked hard in our town for your election, even lost our garage windows when somebody broke them all out, we assume to remove the 'vote Obama' message we had written there. Needless to say, we have been ardent supporters of yours, sir.

But when I weigh your actions, words, decisions, and policies, against what you promised America during your campaign, I must sadly conclude, sir, that you are, well, full of shit.

When you say that investigating and prosecuting torture is 'looking back, not forward', when you campaign on single payer or public option as part of insurance reform, then work quietly but forcefully in the background to defeat these very things, when you submit to Republican demands on pretty much every issue that has come across your desk thus far, I must ask you, sir: What should I believe in? The change you promised? Your willingness to be a 'one-term President, if that's what it takes', even as you cave in and betray our Democratic values? Or should I just believe what I fear is true - that you are just as full of shit as any other politician who makes big promises followed by round after round of excuses?"

Harsh? Maybe, but these are harsh times. And there is no "lese majesty" in this country, so if Rahm can swear before the President - well then, so can I.

So what about you? What would you ask, or say, given the opportunity to speak with our President?
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-08-10 01:13 PM
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1. You pretty much nailed it - the Change we were promised. n/t
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