Women's Day
http://www.democracynow.org/2010/3/8/international_womens_day_marked_around_thehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/caribbean/news/story/2010/03/100308_womensday2010forum.shtmlAs the world marks International Women’s Day, questions continue to be asked about progress and that 'glass ceiling'.
The Commonwealth Secretariat (itself marking Commonwealth Day – 8 March) is voicing concern about the apparent ineffectiveness of Women’s Affairs Ministries, in the region and elsewhere.
Speaking at a Commonwealth Day function in London on Monday morning, Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharman said the matter will be one of the issues at a Commonwealth-organised conference in Barbados in June.
“We’re also launching a new project which will ask why ministers of women’s affairs have relatively little influence in cabinet decision-making and best practice.”
At the United Nations, a conference is charting the progress made on women's rights.

Thanks BBC Caribbean