On Tuesday, a drama will unfold in Washington that will be unlike anything we've seen in the first year of the Obama administration.
I will join dozens of leaders of unions and other public interest organizations and thousands of others to protest the major lobby that is blocking real health care reform in Congress. We will hold a rally and then march to a Washington hotel where America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), which represents all the corporate heavies in the health industry, will be plotting their next steps.
The demonstration is being organized by Health Care for America NOW!, a national grassroots campaign for quality, affordable health care. This coalition asked the directors of about 100 groups to risk arrest at the event. I will be joined by Institute for Policy Studies board member Barbara Ehrenreich, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, and other allied group leaders.
That dozens of leaders would risk arrest in confronting the corporations that stand squarely in the way of fundamental change represents a new moment for our social movements. There is a growing realization that giant health care, fossil fuel and financial firms will stop at nothing to block fundamental change. In this case, the leaders of the giant health insurance companies have joined with CEOs of the largest pharmaceutical firms to buy the votes in Congress to block fundamental health care reform.