I know some DUers don't like this stuff posted, but I feel almost compelled to call out the racism on Free Republic
Poll Finds Blacks Motivated To Vote In November AP/theindychannel.com ^ | 05/08/2010 | Ben Evans
Posted on Monday, March 08, 2010 3:43:08 PM by Abathar
WASHINGTON -- Democrats facing strong headwinds this election season have at least one reason for optimism, according to polling that found the party's large African-American voting bloc eager to stay involved even without Barack Obama on the ballot.
About two-thirds of black adults in four states say they are closely following news about the upcoming midterm elections, and between 74 percent and 80 percent say they are very likely to vote, according to the poll, conducted by the nonpartisan Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. The organization surveyed 500 African-Americans in each state -- Missouri, Indiana, Arkansas and South Carolina -- all of which have Senate races in November.
How many of those voters follow through with their intentions will help determine if Democrats hold control of Congress. In many competitive congressional districts, blacks make up a quarter of the electorate, and they vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Their surge during Obama's 2008 victory is widely credited with helping sweep many down-ballot Democrats into office who might have otherwise lost.
Gosh it must be nice to be in a protected class instead of stuck being a WASP.
Why not? It’s an easy 20 bucks.
And our government has already handed out BILLIONS to community organizations that can be counted to “get the vote out”. The money was looted from the treasury under the guise of “stimulation”.
Oh please, please blacks. Turn out and vote for the Democrats. We need you!!! Too lazy to work , too lazy to vote ... except when you are voting for your first black President. Horse hockey... they ain’t showing up without Teh Messiah on the bill. Period.
Maybe the guilt ridden white folks will get a clue.
Nah, there isn’t a divide... mho."
Oh please, please blacks. Turn out and vote for the Democrats. We need you!!!
But not your children! That's why we abort them as fast as we can convince you to cooperate in the process! They always vote Rat what is New? Won't happen. A lot of noise gets made about the "social conservative" black vote - but let's face, "gettin' dat green" outwieghs abstract topics like abortion or gay marriage.
“I think motivated conservatives will bury the liberal black vote....
...I’ve got serious doubts...the Dems have the apparatus to get out a hard Left 20% vote....that’s blacks,Jews,union,illegals,felons,ficticious persons and the dead...whites,conservatives,GOP,blue dog Dems,independants are split all over the place....plus many don’t even bother to vote....and the hard 20 swoops in to carry the election.
We need to not just out-vote the Democrat plantation slaves, but make sure those voted into office, are serious about enforcing the Constitutional constraints on government, defending our liberties...and color-blind enforcement of the law...such as the law against TREASON...and impeach each and every violator thereto...in the judiciary, the Executive Branch...and their own... .. Predict the black vote will be a little bit less robust than 2008 but they will vote to support their Bamster as he riles them up for their Dem masters. More will see the light however and buck but not in huge numbers....hope I’m wrong on all that!
Let them vote. It's their right. But they only make up 12%-13% of the population. Our surge will offset their numbers no matter how you look at it.
“And our government has already handed out BILLIONS to community organizations that can be counted to “get the vote out”.
Absolutely!...and the numbers they can deliver are staggering...a black Democrat city like Baltimore will deliver more votes than all of Free Republic.
Let them keep believing the bs they tell themselves in order to sleep at night.The is a reckoning coming. Check the keyword “knockanddrag” to see just how the Rat machine turns out the vote. Knock and Drag is their term for hauling people to the polls on election day (canvasing the same neighborhoods several times in the day so you’d better have a good excuse when you are telling the thugs at your door why you WON’T be going to the poll today).
There have even been incidents where they intimidate voters who happen to have the “wrong” candidates’ signs in their yards.
I suspect in some cases they use felons to intimidate voters. If they can’t “vote”, they can still contribute to the get out the vote effort.
The social conservative black vote (the church going community who oppose homoseuxality and abortion) get a “do over” this November.
Pigment overcomes principle. ACORN robo calls working wonders.
I look at it as time for blacks to marry and have children outside of their “race” and blend in with the rest of humanity and let us all move on into the future as Americans. We don’t need categories.
In many districts it doesn’t matter who shows up. The votes are duly recorded by the local powers that be.
well now they think that they ARE really gonna be voting for Jay-Z...
I suspect that a lot of them will be feeling pretty content: look for a lot of ‘stimulus’ money to suddenly enter the economy in left-voting demographics in the last month before the election. Who said walking-around money was a thing of the past?
Now, will that motivate them or sedate them? That’s the real question, IMHO.
Hard to believe blacks support this clown, obammy. He is about to push amnesty for illegals. The very ones who take the jobs far too many black youth need.
Well yes, of course. Prop up Obozo, but I have doubts about the sincerity of this, well maybe not, if ACORN hands out enough bling bling and more Panthers stand in front of polling places with billy clubs.
Two words: Obama money.
The brainwashing efforts of the New Deal, Great Society, public schools etc sure worked well. An i-pod in every pot!
...thanks for posting that...all of us conservatives must understand that the Dems control urban America...and the population growth of urban America is high...and guess who controls the voting apparatus in the inner city?...is it any wonder that those population centers vote straight Dem? “Why not? It’s an easy 20 bucks.”
No kidding. Maybe five or six times that. ACORN & the NAACP cleaned out the crack houses and HO houses on Election Day and got them to the polls to put Obama in the White House with the help of Liberals and uninformed, ignorant voters.
Say what they want; the Blacks will NEVER turn out like that again. The novelty and the "new" of having a Black President has worn off. The social conservative black vote (the church going community who oppose homoseuxality and abortion) get a “do over” this November.
PULEEZE!!! Black have ALWAYS gone to church and sang,clapped and shouted on Sunday and then went into the voting booth on Tuesday and voted for proponents of Abortion and gay marriage. They will choose Entitlements over morality everytime; including the Black "church folks" Liberal blacks are racist lowlife freeloading traitorous scum.
Liberal whites are racist lowlife freeloading traitorous scum.
Voting for Obama in 2008 was based on racism and selfish stupidity.... voting for Obama in 2012 will be a willful act of treason and wanton destruction of our way of life and our country.
Yeah, I’ve often thought how nice it must be to be among a group in which a person can blame away one’s short comings and failure in life not on ones merit or lack thereof but because of the color of ones skin and thus it’s not that persons fault but another segment of society that judges merit on skin color and as such is ‘’racist’’.
you betcha. (sarc)
Especially if his real BC that could very well list his race as Caucasian ever sees the light of day ... Farfetched for sure but deliciously entertaining to consider. In general, Jews and Negroes are going to support the most liberal party by a large percentage. The Negroes are going to support Obama and his party for the obvious reason that Obama is part Negro, and because he proposes a redistribution of wealth. I suspect that most Negroes believe that they will have free health care and housing if Obama gets his way. No politician has the gonads to state the obvious, because he will be called a racist. Jews support Obama for their own unique reasons. I doubt that many of them believe that they will receive free medical care and housing from the government. It is taken for granted that Obama is going to get their votes.