Beacon Hill Roll Call: House approves ban on cutting vocal cords of cats, dogs
THE HOUSE AND SENATE. Beacon Hill Roll Call records local representatives' votes on two roll calls and local senators' votes on four roll calls from the week of March 1-5.
House 155-1, approved and sent to the Senate a bill that would prohibit devocalization - the cutting of the vocal cords to suppress or remove the voice of a dog or cat - except for a medical necessity to treat disease, injury or birth defects. The measure requires veterinarians who perform medically necessary devocalization to file a certificate with their local city or towns halls stating the medical reason for the surgery.
Supporters of the ban said that the surgery is inhumane and dangerous and often leads to complications and even death. They noted that it is ordered for monetary gain, not love of the animal and is often used by show dog exhibitors to keep dogs quiet in the ring or in transit and by breeders, who want to profit from breeding numerous dogs or cats but do not want to hear the animals barking, meowing or crying.
Opponents of the ban said that “bark softening” is a better description of the procedure. They argued that it is minor surgery. Some noted that without access to devocalization, many dogs will be given to shelters and euthanized. They said that requiring a certificate of medical necessity would violate the privacy of the animals and their owners.
Supporters of the ban countered that “bark softening” is a polite euphemism to disguise this cruel and unnecessary surgery that subjects animals to many risks and no benefits. They noted that devocalized dogs are abandoned just like any other dog, and that barking, which is not a significant reason for surrender in the first place, does not force euthanasia. They argued that removing the requirement for the filing of a simple certificate would strip the bill of any accountability.