Last April, there was a kerfuffle after Homeland Security released a report about domestic terrorism -- and whether we might see more extremist groups, especially ones who acted out with violence. Everybody trashed the report because it suggested that returning veterans might be likely recruits. And it looked tacky because, well, a Democratic administration was accusing right-wing groups of violence.
Well, a year later, it looks like they got the part about the veterans wrong. But we HAVE had a series of attacks motivated by hatred of the government, which was another point of the original report. (There was the IRS plane attack in Austin, the shooting last week near the Pentagon and the incident at the Las Vegas federal courthouse, where a man opened fire because he was angry at Social Security.)
True, it's not exactly a wave of violence. Most of the cases involve lone wolves, not organized weirdos. But it's hard not to wonder if Homeland Security had a point.
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