Edited on Tue Mar-09-10 01:32 AM by RandomThoughts
If it is true that it would give reason for detention beyond the 48 hour rule, without showing a reason it is another claim to totalitarianism.
If the article is true, it is trying to remove the concept of having a just system.
That type of system is what led to 'disappeared' people in third world countries during totalitarian regimes.
The parts of the bill below state that if the Secretary of Defense and Attorney General, with notification of the president and congress, decide a person is a suspected of being hostile, then they lose rights.
This specifically turns all justice over to the discretion of the Attorney General and Secretary of Defense based on a recommendation from an interrogators opinion. Any decision made by Attorney General and Secretary of Defense is final decision with no other rule. Those two people can decide anything they want with no check except notification of what they chose to do.
I would be interesting if such determinations would also be classified so that nobody knows what happened to disappeared people.
It is a totalitarian bill, sure you could say they would only use it on bad people, but what if someone thought a political opponent, because of his different views, was a bad person. What if running in an election on defense department cuts was determined by some future Attorney General and Secretary of Defense as being hostile to US interest. It puts in place a legal frame work for no rights governing detention.
It is a declaration of totalitarianism. where is judicial review? where is requirement of evidence?
On a side note, within the context of that ruling, with that same authority, I could declare Lieberman and McCain hostile to the United States and the Constitution. Hostile to ideas of justice, and deserving of no rights and under indefinite detention. And even worse could do the same with anyone else even if it was only because I did not like them. You might say I don't have the power so that so it is not relevant, but what if someone who though like I just wrote was in those positions? How would you stop them? How could you even argue your claims?
Courts exist to test the claims of ideas, that bill lets any idea lead to any level of incarceration without public or civil review.
MILITARY CUSTODY REQUIREMENT.—Whenever 4 within the United States, its territories, and possessions, 5 or outside the territorial limits of the United States, an 6 individual is captured or otherwise comes into the custody 7 or under the effective control of the United States who 8 is suspected of engaging in hostilities against the United 9 States or its coalition partners through an act of ter 10 rorism, or by other means in violation of the laws of war, 11 or of purposely and materially supporting such hostilities, 12 and who may be an unprivileged enemy belligerent, the 13 individual shall be placed in military custody for purposes 14 of initial interrogation and determination of status in ac 15 cordance with the provisions of this Act.
(1) PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION BY HIGH 16 VALUE DETAINEE INTERROGATION GROUP.—The 17 high-value detainee interrogation group responsible 18 for interrogating a high-value detainee under sub 19 section (b) shall make a preliminary determination 20 whether or not the detainee is an unprivileged enemy 21 belligerent. The interrogation group shall make such 22 determination based on the result of its interroga 23 tion of the individual and on all intelligence informa 24 tion available to the interrogation group. The inter 25 rogation group shall, after consultation with the Di-
1 rector of National Intelligence, the Director of the 2 Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of 3 the Central Intelligence Agency, submit such deter 4 mination to the Secretary of Defense and the Attor 5 ney General. 6 (2) FINAL DETERMINATION.—As soon as pos 7 sible after receipt of a preliminary determination of 8 status with respect to a high-value detainee under 9 paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense and the At 10 torney General shall jointly submit to the President 11 and to the appropriate committees of Congress a 12 final determination whether or not the detainee is an 13 unprivileged enemy belligerent for purposes of this 14 Act. In the event of a disagreement between the Sec 15 retary of Defense and the Attorney General, the 16 President shall make the final determination.