meetings and any of my state's Democratic Party conventions. I have decided instead to take on what looks like a resurgent rightwing more directly with some projects I plan to work on on the community and state level and work for support for progressive NGO's fighting America's continual lean to the right. It will feel strange but also comfortable in it will allow me to be true to myself with no more compromises. For instance, I'm against our foreign policy, against letting Constitutional and war crimes law violaters skate, privatizing our public schools, privatizing government, and healthcare delivery solutions that work within the current flawed system with those that keep it flawed while enriching themselves. That being said, I intend to support monetarily progressive or liberal Democrats running whos' viewpoints I share (maybe volunteer for a candidate running against ScumBurr). You guys need to man the meetings in your areas because the party is facing what portends as a possible energized voter assault so do what you can. But now I see the fight at every level so I'm shifting gears. Change has come too slow and less defined than I hoped for and feel my efforts are better served at the human level.