UPDATING OUR POLITICAL DICTIONARIESJosh Marshall got this rolling with: "Jamming it through": to vote on a bill.
Then Steve Benen got in on it
http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2010_03/022745.php:"Obstructionism," for example, only refers to Democratic minorities opposing Republican proposals.
"Tyranny" is found when an elected Democratic majority passes legislation that Republicans don't like.
"Reconciliation" describes a Senate process that Republicans are allowed to use to overcome Democratic "obstructionism."
"Terrorism" refers to acts of political violence committed by people who aren't white guys.
"Bipartisanship" is found when Democrats agree to pass Republican legislation.
"Big government" describes a dangerous phenomenon to be avoided, except in cases relating to reproductive rights or gays.
"Treason" refers to Democrats criticizing a Republican administration during a war.
"Patriotism" refers to Republicans criticizing a Democratic administration during a war.
"Fiscal responsibility" is a national priority related to keeping our deficit in check, which only applies when Republicans are in the minority.
"Parliamentarian" is a seemingly independent official on the Hill who Senate Republicans are allowed to fire when the GOP disapproves of his/her rulings.
See how fun this is? Consider this an open thread for your own submissions.
More at:
http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2010_03/022745.phpAnd Dailykos got into the act with these:
"Government-run health care" doesn't refer to popular government-run health care programs like Medicare.
"The heartland" is the most wonderful place in America, even if no conservative pundit would be caught dead living there.
"Serving your country" is honorable if you're a Republican, but a subject of derision when Democrats do it.
More here:
http://www.dailykos.com/So DU, what ya got?