Janet Porter Prays For Control Over The Media
Submitted by Kyle on March 9, 2010
Faith 2 Action's Janet Porter also spoke at the conference and spent nearly an hour more or less recounting the stunts she had carried out via her organization, from urging people to send baby rattles and roses to Congress to signify their opposition to abortion to her more recent effort to inundate the Capitol with "pink slips."
The focus of her speech was on how to use the media to spread the word of God and at the end, she delivered this prayer asking God to deliver control of the media to them, to "take power and influence in the media of this country and of this globe from the unrighteous and give it to righteous people" and to "make CBS the Christian Broadcasting System" so that God's people can finally take dominion over this nation...
http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/janet-porter-prays-control-over-mediaFor those unfamiliar with this wing nut, Janet Porter, she has been described by one blogger as
James Dobson with lipstick and a computer.Here she is in a nutshell:
Eagle Forum founder and anti-feminist crusader Phyllis Schlafly will be honored at the Values Voters gala dinner with the James C. Dobson Vision and Leadership Award -- just one week before Eagle Forum sponsors the How to Take Back America conference in St. Louis. Guess who serves on the host committee for that conference? None other than Joseph Farah, WND's editor. And Schlafly's co-chair is Janet Porter of the decidedly tinfoil Faith2Action (and a frequent contributor to WND), who recently hosted a guest on her radio program who claims that a secret group of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, the World Health Organization, and the U.N. are conspiring with the Obama administration to cause a "mass genocide" through the H1N1 flu vaccine.