Massa explains how congressmen ‘beg for money’Sahil Kapur - True/Slant
Mar. 9 2010 - 6:29 pm
Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) offered an invaluable insight into the life of a congressman during his Glenn Beck hour. Describing the rampant corruption and “bribery” in the institution, here’s what he said:
I have had people come to me and say if you don’t support this health care bill, I am not going to contribute to your campaign. Glenn, that’s a bribe.
Congressmen spend between 5 and 7 hours a day on the phone begging for money. And by the way, when you’re a freshmen, you have to fill out sheets of everybody you call, and how much money per hour, and they have coaches that teach you how to get more money from each one of your phone calls, and who to call, and what data points to have on them to tickle them to make them more apt to give you money. It is out of control. And it’s legalized. And it’s not just Democrats… And it’s not just the House, it’s the Senate. And by the way, it’s the executive branch too.
What does he believe is the overriding thing that needs to be changed politics?
Change campaign finance reform… Until we do that, nothing will change. That to me is the number one issue facing America today.
All in all this was an amusingly boring hour. Other than these interesting comments Massa made no real revelations; the whole hour was basically Glenn Beck pleading, just pleading with the congressman to break some news or say something he hadn’t said before. Reveal some secrets about the White House or the Democratic Party. Anything. And Massa never took the bait. By the time the clock rolled around 6 pm Beck looked ready to cry.
Sorry, Glenn. You’ve been punk’d.
Link: that make ya go, Hmmm...