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POWER TO THE PEOPLE, by Laura Ingraham. (Regnery Publishing, 2007) The political commentator urges Americans to restore traditional conservative principles.
UNFIT FOR COMMAND, by John E. O’Neill and Jerome R. Corsi. (Regnery Publishing, 2004) A negative appraisal of John Kerry’s conduct in Vietnam.
BIAS, by Bernard Goldberg. (Regnery Publishing, 2002) A television journalist who worked at CBS for many years reports on “how the media distort the news.”
MURDER IN BRENTWOOD, by Mark Fuhrman. (Regnery Publishing, 1997) A revealing account from the police investigator in the O.J. Simpson murder case.
UNLIMITED ACCESS, by Gary Aldrich. (Regnery Publishing, 1996) An FBI agent reveals the details of what he saw in the first years of the Clinton White House.
A SLOBBERING LOVE AFFAIR, by Bernard Goldberg . (Regnery Publishing, 2009) A blistering takedown of the media's slavish support for Obama and how the mainstream media have not only surrendered their integrity, but could even endanger our democracy.
ABSOLUTE POWER, by David Limbaugh. (Regnery Publishing, 2001) A lawyer’s critical evaluation of the Clinton-Reno Justice Department.
FINAL DAYS, by Barbara Olson. (Regnery Publishing, 2001) The conservative commentator, who died on a hijacked jetliner on 9/11, discusses “the last, desperate abuses of power” in the Clinton White House.
REAL CHANGE, by Newt Gingrich. (Regnery Publishing, 2008) The former speaker of the House tackles our nation's problems with a private-sector mentality and an entrepreneurial spirit, offering common sense solutions for the issues of today and the challenges of tomorrow.
MEN IN BLACK, by Mark Levin. (Regnery Publishing, 2005) A conservative commentator enumerates ways in which “the Supreme Court is destroying America.”
DERELICTION OF DUTY, by Robert “Buzz” Patterson. (Regnery Publishing, 2003) A top Clinton military aide’s “eyewitness” account of how Bill Clinton compromised America’s national security.
SHAKEDOWN, by Ken Timmerman. (Regnery Publishing, 2002) An exposé of the financial, personal, and political operations of the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
SELLOUT, by David Schippers. (Regnery Publishing, 2000) The Chief Investigative Counsel for the Clinton impeachment proceedings offers a revealing glimpse of what happened behind closed doors.
BETRAYAL, by Bill Gertz. (Regnery Publishing, 1999) The Washington Times defense reporter explains “how the Clinton administration undermined American security.”
THE CASE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA, by David Freddoso. (Regnery Publishing, 2008) The political reporter for National Review separates facts from fiction and exposes the real Obama.
BREAKDOWN, by Bill Gertz. (Regnery Publishing, 2002) A reporter for the Washington Times describes how “America’s intelligence failures led to 9/11.”
AT ANY COST, by Bill Sammon. (Regnery Publishing, 2001) A reporter for the Washington Times describes “how Al Gore tried to steal the election.”
HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS, by Ann Coulter. (Regnery Publishing, 1998) The constitutional lawyer and political pundit shares a point-by-point impeachment case against Bill Clinton.
WINNING THE FUTURE, by Newt Gingrich. (Regnery Publishing, 2005) The former speaker of the House proposes a 21st-century “Contract with America.”
SHUT UP & SING, by Laura Ingraham. (Regnery Publishing, 2003) Author and nationally syndicated talk show host stands up for America and calls the liberal elite on the carpet.
USEFUL IDIOTS, by Mona Charen. (Regnery Publishing, 2003) The columnist and television commentator goes on the attack against liberals who “got it wrong in the cold war and still blame America first.”
TED, WHITE, AND BLUE, by Ted Nugent. (Regnery Publishing, 2008) While America needed a strong voice during the 2008 election, this American icon tells it like it is, with his no-holds-barred plan to attack the problems gutting our country, from taxes and welfare to health care and immigration.
THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO AMERICAN HISTORY, by Thomas Woods. (Regnery Publishing, 2004) A conservative interpretation.
PERSECUTION, by David Limbaugh. (Regnery Publishing, 2003) A lawyer’s shocking proof of “how liberals are waging war against Christianity.”
THE MILLENNIUM BUG, by Michael Hyatt. (Regnery Publishing, 1998) The depth of the millennium crisis explained in layman’s terms, how the upcoming situation will affect all of us—and what you can do to protect yourself.
STRATEGERY, by Bill Sammon. (Regnery Publishing, 2006) A behind-the-scenes look at the election of 2004 and the following year from a Washington Examiner reporter.
HATRED’S KINGDOM, by Dore Gold. (Regnery, 2003) An Israeli diplomat who has served as ambassador to the United Nations argues that “Saudi Arabia supports the new global terrorism.”
HELL TO PAY, by Barbara Olson. (Regnery Publishing, 1999) The conservative commentator presents her take on “the unfolding story of Hillary Rodham Clinton.”
SHADOW WAR, by Richard Miniter. (Regnery Publishing, 2004) The author argues that President Bush is winning the war on terror.
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FIGHTING BACK, by Bill Sammon. (Regnery Publishing, 2002) A reporter for The Washington Times recounts the White House’s actions in response to 9/11.
WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT AMERICA, by Dinesh D'Souza. (Regnery Publishing, 2002) A defense of the United States and an attack on its critics.
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THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDETM TO GLOBAL WARMING (AND ENVIRONMENTALISM), by Christopher Horner. (Regnery Publishing, 2007) Expert Chris Horner explodes the PC myths and lies about global warming and environmentalism.
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A REPUBLIC, NOT AN EMPIRE, by Patrick Buchanan. (Regnery Publishing, 1999) Breakaway conservative presidential candidate Pat Buchanan’s erudite and eloquent plea for a new American foreign policy, rooted in America’s greatest traditions, to avoid a future of endless war.
BLACK BELT PATRIOTISM, by Chuck Norris. (Regnery Publishing, 2008) The actor and martial arts expert offers his plain-spoken perspective on how we’ve strayed from the Founding Fathers’ values, and how we must return to our hard-working, pro-family roots.
AMERICA ALONE, by Mark Steyn. (Regnery Publishing, 2006) A conservative columnist argues that America should spread its influence around the world.
INVASION, by Michelle Malkin. (Regnery Publishing, 2002) An exposé on how America continues to welcome terrorists, criminal aliens, foreign murderers, torturers, and the rest of the world’s “undesirables.”
THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE™ TO ISLAM (AND THE CRUSADES), by Robert Spencer. (Regnery Publishing, 2005) Islam expert Robert Spencer explodes the PC myths about Islam and casts a fresh and dramatic light on the crusader knights.