Another in the "definite" category. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) has agreed in a statement to support PO through HCR.
We need at least 50 to force a Biden tie breaker vote. Including 41 GOP "no" votes, the count is 51 - 47 - 2.
Let's look at the 42 who have stated to use Reconciliation. Let's assume we have those: Feinstein, Kerry, Sanders, Brown, Whitehouse, Bennet, Burris, Gillibrand, Merkeley, Franken, Leahy, Schumer, Reed, Boxer, Udall, Mikulski, Shaheen, Lautenberg, Durbin, Specter, Casey, Dorgan, Cardin, Bingamen, Menendez, Wyden, Stabenow, Johnson, Feingold, Inouye, Carper, Levin, Klobuchar, Murray, Kaufman, Udall, Byrd, Cantwell, Reid, Begich, Dodd, Akaka
The following are leans "yes" votes (based on voting record, ideology and public speeches): (9 total yes votes) Kohl - WI; Tester - MT; Harkin - IA; Webb - VA; Warner - VA; McCaskill - MO; Bayh - IN; Hagan - NC; Landrieu - LA
The following are definite "maybe" votes: (2) votes Conrad - ND (Since I have not heard a peep from him, he's in the maybe section. Someone help me out.) Baucus - MT (From cold to Lukewarm due to the growing support)
The following are the "no" votes, the Blue Dog, DINO-moles in the Senate: (6 votes) Bill Nelson - FL (no completely. Too bought.) Ben Nelson - NE (no completely. Too selfish.) Pryor - AR (No chance for his vote. Too brain dead.) Rockefeller - WV (WILL NOT SUPPORT RECONCILIATION. APPARENTLY THERE ARE NO POOR PEOPLE IN WV.) Lincoln - AR (WILL NOT SUPPORT RECONCILIATION. APPARENTLY THERE ARE NO POOR PEOPLE IN AR.) Lieberman - CT (WILL NOT SUPPORT RECONCILIATION. THIS MOLE NEEDS TO BE DROPPED FROM THE CAUCUS.)
We do not have it, but we are so close to a 50-50 with a Biden "yes" tie-breaker that the finish line looks a few steps away!!! Expect 41 no votes (44 with these DINO assholes).
Keep up the heat now on the YES votes: EVERY "leans yes" vote and now start presurring Jay Rockefeller! Let's get this across the finish line!!! WE ARE SO CLOSE!!! SUPPORT REAL DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY CHALLENGERS!!!