read all of it and then send it to your useless senators, your schmuck congressperson, and to Barack and tell him he needs to get this country moving!!!
I Am Angry
Tuesday 09 March 2010
by: John Cory, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
I am angry.
I'm tired of pundits and know-nothing, media gasbags. I'm tired of snarky "inside politics" programming. I am sick of the bigotry and hatred of "birthers" and faux patriotic cranks and their GOP puppet masters. And I'm really pissed at the Democratic Party that confuses having a plate of limp noodles with having a spine.
I'm going to vomit if I hear the word "bipartisanship" one more time.
It was bipartisanship that gave us this activist, conservative Supreme Court, a Supreme Court that says money is free speech and corporations are persons except when real people try to hold them accountable for their greed and poisonous ways.
Bipartisanship gave us the Patriot Act and FISA and illegal wiretaps and two wars and "free speech zones" and "no fly" lists. God bless bipartisan America.
I get nauseated every time the Senate explains how it takes a super majority to do anything for the American people. Tell you what, Senate Bozos, if it takes 60 votes to pass legislation, then it should take 60 percent of the popular vote to get you elected.