may limit money for schools in 2011, 2012District faces
'funding cliff' as federal stimulus money begins to dry up
The district estimated its 2012 funding request at $26.5 million. In 2012, the maximum allowable amount is estimated at $25.8 million.
The school district is facing a "funding cliff" in 2012 as it reaches the end of its stimulus money - $1.8 million in 2011. Board members pointed out that in budget deliberations last year, the board raised the student to teacher ratio by eliminating 10 teaching positions. This year, the district reduced middle school intervention money by $80,000 and is "struggling" to find the money to
• implement the technology plan as written by SERRC (Southeast Regional Resource Center);
• replenish consumable supplies;
• replenish consumable computer supplies as the district upgrades its technology, and
• replace its long term equipment on a replacement cycle.
The district estimates it will need to reduce its budget at least $600,000 and as much as $800,000 in 2012.