By Scott Peterson Staff writer / March 10, 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
Iran fired up its verbal sparring match with the United States over Afghanistan on Wednesday, as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Kabul and charged the US with playing a “double game” in the country.
The words echoed those of US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who from the same podium at the presidential palace two days earlier accused Iran of “playing a double game” in Afghanistan by declaring support for the government while secretly assisting its Taliban enemies.
Mr. Ahmadinejad arrived just before Mr. Gates left Kabul, a fact that the US defense chief said was “certainly fodder for all the conspiratorialists.”
The Iranian president said the US-led military presence — which is set to surge to 100,000 troops by the end of the year — will not resolve any of the problems in Iran’s eastern neighbor.
“They are not successful in their fight against terrorists because they are playing a double game,” said Ahmadinejad. “They themselves created terrorists, and now they say they are fighting them. It’s not possible; we can see that. Billions of dollars spent
casualties on both sides.”
Ahmadinejad said that Iran’s recent bloodless capture of the man at the top of its most wanted list should serve as an example. On Feb. 23, Iran stated that it had forced down the plane carrying Abdolmalek Rigi, the leader of the Jundallah (Soldiers of God), whose Sunni militants were responsible for a host of attacks against Revolutionary Guard and civilian targets in eastern Iran.