Finally the other side is being told in the MSM:
Central Falls, Rhode Island (CNN) -- Graduates of the nation's most vilified high school descended upon campus Tuesday evening to support the school's fired teachers. They also had a message for President Obama: Don't bash our school. "He doesn't know us. He doesn't know the teachers. He doesn't know the students," said Nikko Calle, 21, a graduate of Central Falls High School in 2006. "I think it's a real outrage what's happening here."
Nearby, Ashley Delgado, 19, stood on the school's steps clutching a sign that read: "Dear Obama, I supported you, your causes, goals and beliefs. Why aren't you supporting mine?"
A firestorm has erupted in this Democratic stronghold in recent weeks after 93 teachers, support staff and administrators at Central Falls High School were fired for the low performance of the school, which graduated just 48 percent of its seniors last year. The firings will go into effect at the end of the school year. Teachers can re-apply, but no more than 50 percent will get rehired.
The defenders of the school say improvements have been made, but the stats are skewed against them because the school's population is so transient.
He suggested Obama should summon the 93 teachers and administrators for a beer summit. The president "hasn't heard our side of the story," said McLaughlin, a member of the teachers' union. "He hasn't listened to us. He knows nothing about us."
Marcia Reback, president of the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers, was less hospitable toward the president. "We're all taking our bumper stickers for Obama off our cars," Reback said earlier in the day.