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Student Loan Reform: What's It Doing in the Health Care Debate?

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The Northerner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 02:21 PM
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Student Loan Reform: What's It Doing in the Health Care Debate?
The White House and Democratic leaders are considering wrapping a student loan reform bill into the reconciliation "fix it" bill the Senate plans to pass for health care reform. At least nine senators, however, now oppose the plan, complicating Democrats' plans to finish health care reform as quickly as possible.

Why would Democrats wrap student loan reform into the latest health care bill? President Obama's proposed student loan reforms, which would slash subsidies the government gives loan companies like Sallie Mae, would save the government billions of dollars -- a critical point given the health care debate has largely come down to arguments over cost savings.

Additionally, it could give Democrats an easy political victory to pass reforms that would help the thousands of students across the country who last week protested rising higher education costs.

Finally, Mr. Obama has made student loan reform a high priority, and it turns out the health care reconciliation bill may be Democrats' best opportunity to pass it this year: "Democrats can only move one reconciliation package through the Senate until the Congress passes a new budget resolution," the Hill reports. "That means if they do not twin student lending with healthcare reform, lawmakers will have to wait until later this year."

Those reasons are not good enough for a few senators, however. Six Democratic senators sent a letter to President Obama this week stating support for student loan reform but saying, "we must proceed toward this objective in a thoughtful manner that considers potential alternative legislative proposals."

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Schema Thing Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 02:40 PM
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1. don't know... but it would be nice to get the votes that Student Loan Reform will bring
which probably explains why it's being considered.
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