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Accountability, or how to bully teachers like a third grader.

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walldude Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 03:19 PM
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Accountability, or how to bully teachers like a third grader.
Accountability. That's the word used when Obama praised the firing of the RI teachers. We must have accountability! Well Mr President, let me say with all due respect, shove your fucking accountability up your ass. You are a fan of accountability? Then please explain why these teachers were held "accountable" while the following people were not only not held accountable but praised for shoving our fucking country down the toilet.

Bush and Cheney. You know the list here, illegal wars, secret policy meetings, signing statements, lying to the American people, illegal wiretapping, 3000 dead Americans on 9/11.

Bernanke/Greenspan/Geithner etc, we can include all of Wall Street here as well. Sunk the economy, brought us to a damn near depression and were rewarded with bonuses, high value positions and taxpayer dollars to help them finance those new gold fixtures on the yacht.

Rumsfeldt/Wolfowitz- Ah the "architects" of the illegal war in Iraq. Also managed to "misplace" 11 billion dollars in cash. Medals all around!

How about Condi Rice. Lied about the PDB. Claimed it was a "historical document". Uh.. you'd think that when we got attacked 30 days after that document described who and how it was going to happen she might have figured out there was nothing "historic" about it except for the historic fuck-up of treating it like it was a joke.

How about Abu-Grahib. Oh yeah there was some accountability there, a couple of privates and a Female General who got fucked over for taking orders. Swell.

I could do this all day. But Du'ers know where I'm coming from. There are people out there who lied cheated and stole, they have the blood of children on their hands, they have gone on TV and fucking admitted to war crimes, and are given a pat on the back.
And which ones are held "accountable" The teachers in RI.

The teachers who are given a race car with no wheels and no engine and are told if they don't win the Daytona 500 they will be held "accountable".

This smacks of the worst kind of cowardice I have ever seen. I'm sorry, I worked for Obama, I donated, answered phones, got out the vote. And now I get to sit here and watch the man I put my faith and money into act like some kind of schoolyard bully. "Well if I do this it might make Cheney mad, or if I do this the media might call me names, if I do this the Republicans will be upset with me.
So I think I'll fuck over the teachers, it'll only piss off teachers and Democrats, and they have NO POWER WHATSOEVER.
This bullshit posturing of being a tough guy who holds people accountable is a fucking crock of shit and we all see right through it. If you want to look like a tough guy leader then stand up to the bully, don't become one.
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Blue Owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 03:23 PM
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1. k&r
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 03:24 PM
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2. He needs to write it 100 times
Great rant ;)
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tonysam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 03:24 PM
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3. Teachers really DON'T have any power
Beginning with those union contracts and state administrative laws which are supposed to protect them, but they don't if the districts decide to flout them. And these don't mean anything in civil court, so teachers are out of luck there unless they can prove a federal violation, which is difficult in the best circumstances.
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DrDan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 03:25 PM
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4. let's not leave out Wall Street and their money grab
not one person held accountable for the billions lost . . . or was it trillions
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DirkGently Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 03:28 PM
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5. But teachers DO vote

and there are a LOT of them. Treating them this way is not only unethical, but a huge miscalculation politically.

Great post.
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FiveGoodMen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 04:25 PM
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6. Amen
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Riley18 Donating Member (883 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 04:58 PM
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7. Teachers and their families vote. We are not being represented by anyone in
politics that I can think of right now. It seems we are the next working people to get kicked out. That leaves more for the already rich. I wonder what Arne gets for selling out the teachers in America.
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lib_wit_it Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-10-10 05:26 PM
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8. Next thing we know Xe will be taking over the public schools.
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