I got my subsidies for not growing crops, and made money.
I got my bailout after I blew billions, and I can keep working and getting a paycheck and my bonuses.
I got my paycheck here in congress, thanks to those who elected me to do one thing while I did another.
I got my tax breaks and used them to offshore jobs and enrich my investors and myself.
I got my lobbyists helping me, my family, and friends out. My kids go to nice schools. When this stint ends I have a job waiting on me thanks to my friends in the industry, I won't even have to apply online. I will make a mint.
I got a break on H1B visas so I can hire people for the jobs folks here won't do for dirt cheap wages.
I got corporate welfare so that I can create jobs - overseas. And I will make a nice bonus, thanks to taxpayer dollars.
You? You want extensions for unemployment and welfare? SSI, SSDI, Medicare, Medicad?
Stop being so selfish.
I got mine, if you want yours you need to learn how to game the system - on a large scale. You small scale folks are a blight on the system.
You're all welfare queens - unless you have a lot of money. Then you get the attention of folks in power.