White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has been the subject of a dizzying array of stories in recent weeks, from lengthy profiles in the New York Times and the New Republic to articles and columns debating whether he is or isn't the source of all that ails the Obama administration.
Now Emanuel has broken through an important pop-culture barrier: He was the subject of David Letterman's Top 10 list Tuesday night, titled "Top Ten Signs Rahm Emanuel Is Nuts." The full list is below.
Top Ten Signs Rahm Emanuel Is Nuts
10. Every morning takes a leak off the Truman balcony
9. President Obama smokes cigarettes; Rahm eats them
8. Spotted today at Toyota dealership
7. He's leaving Obama to become a special adviser to Richard Nixon
6. In a fit of rage, he snapped Dennis Kucinich in half
5. Changing his name to Rahm Emanuel Lewis
4. Refers to every cabinet official as "Clarkie"
3. Recently got into heated policy debate with his stapler
2. You mean, besides walking around D.C. naked?
1. Even Andy Dick is telling him to chill