When I am wrong, I will admit it. I did not believe a senator so bought would support PO reconciliation, but Bill Nelson (D-FL) has signed on. That's a "NO" vote that goes to the "definite," freeing us up alot. Maybe primary challengers are getting Democrats to remember they are Democrats.
We need at least 50 to force a Biden tie breaker vote. Including 41 GOP "no" votes, the count is 52 - 46 - 2.
Let's look at the 42 who have stated to use Reconciliation. Let's assume we have those: Feinstein, Kerry, Sanders, Brown, Whitehouse, Bennet, Burris, Gillibrand, Merkeley, Franken, Leahy, Schumer, Reed, Boxer, Udall, Mikulski, Shaheen, Lautenberg, Durbin, Specter, Casey, Dorgan, Cardin, Bingamen, Menendez, Wyden, Stabenow, Johnson, Feingold, Inouye, Carper, Levin, Klobuchar, Murray, Kaufman, Udall, Byrd, Cantwell, Reid, Begich, Dodd, Akaka, Bill Nelson
The following are leans "yes" votes (based on voting record, ideology and public speeches): (9 total yes votes) Kohl - WI; Tester - MT; Harkin - IA; Webb - VA; Warner - VA; McCaskill - MO; Bayh - IN; Hagan - NC; Landrieu - LA
The following are definite "maybe" votes: (2) votes Conrad - ND (Since I have not heard a peep from him, he's in the maybe section. Someone help me out.) Baucus - MT (From cold to Lukewarm due to the growing support)
The following are the "no" votes, the Blue Dog, DINO-moles in the Senate: (5 votes) Ben Nelson - NE (no completely. Too selfish.) Pryor - AR (No chance for his vote. Too brain dead.) Rockefeller - WV (WILL NOT SUPPORT RECONCILIATION. APPARENTLY THERE ARE NO POOR PEOPLE IN WV.) Lincoln - AR (WILL NOT SUPPORT RECONCILIATION. APPARENTLY THERE ARE NO POOR PEOPLE IN AR.) Lieberman - CT (WILL NOT SUPPORT RECONCILIATION. THIS MOLE NEEDS TO BE DROPPED FROM THE CAUCUS.)
We do not have it, but we are so close to a 50-50 with a Biden "yes" tie-breaker that the finish line looks a few steps away!!! Expect 41 no votes (44 with these DINO assholes).
Keep up the heat now on the leans YES votes and now start presurring Jay Rockefeller! Let's get this across the finish line!!! WE ARE SO CLOSE!!! SUPPORT REAL DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY CHALLENGERS!!!