For anyone who wants to read it, Grayson's public option bill (H.R. 4789) is really short:
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for an option for any citizen
or permanent resident of the United States to buy into Medicare. Be it enacted by
the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the "Public Option Act" or the "Medicare You Can Buy Into Act".
(a) IN GENERAL.—Part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act is amended—
(1) in section 1818(a), by striking "or 1818A" and inserting ", 1818A, or 1818B"; and
(2) by inserting after section 1818A the following new section:
(a) IN GENERAL.— Every individual who—
(1) is a resident of the United States;
(2) is either
(A) a citizen or national of the United States, or
(B) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; and
(3) is not otherwise entitled to benefits under this part or eligible to enroll under
this part; shall be eligible to enroll in the insurance program established by this part.
An individual may enroll under this section only in such manner and form as may be
prescribed in regulations, and only during an enrollment period prescribed in or
under this section.
(b) ENROLLMENT; COVERAGE.— The Secretary shall establish enrollment periods and
coverage under this section consistent with the principles for establishment of
enrollment periods and coverage for individuals under section 1818, except that no
entitlement to benefits under this part shall be effective before the first day of the
first calendar year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.
(1) IN GENERAL.— The provisions of subsections (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3) of section
1818 insofar as they apply to premiums (including collection of premiums) shall apply
to premiums and collection of premiums under this section, except that—
(A) paragraphs (4) and (5) of section 1818 shall not be applicable; and
(B) the estimate of the monthly actuarial rate under section 1818(d) shall be
computed and applied under this paragraph based upon costs incurred for individuals
within each age cohort specified in paragraph (2) rather than for all individuals age
65 and older.
(2) AGE COHORTS.— The age cohorts specified in this paragraph are as follows:
(A) Individuals under 19 years of age.
(B) Individuals at least 19 years of age but not more than 25 years of age.
(C) Individuals at least 26 years of age and not more than 35 years of age.
(D) Individuals at least 36 years of age and not more than 45 years of age.
(E) Individuals at least 46 years of age and not more than 55 years of age.
(F) Individuals at least 56 years of age and not more than 64 years of age.
(d) TREATMENT.— An individual enrolled under this part pursuant to this section shall
not be treated as enrolled under this part (or any other part of this title) for purposes
of obtaining medical assistance for medicare cost-sharing or otherwise under title XIX.
I would be willing to support the Senate HCR bill with Obama's modifications (Stupak be damned) as long as Grayson's bill also passes.
Making the insurance companies play a little fairer by outlawing pre-existing conditions, etc. while also making them compete with "Medicare at cost" seems like the way to go to me.
As they know, that is a slippery slope to full public supported healthcare, so they will fight it tooth and nail. And for our own protection and the future for our children, so must we. There is absolutely no reason for us to continue to support a system that allows insurance company executives to buy their second yacht off of our misfortune by denying us coverage while adding absolutely nothing of value to our health care needs.
This bill is so simple, there is no way they can find "death panels," etc. in it to scare the ill-informed. The whole damn bill could be posted on a flyer. You could read it on a TV screen.
Honestly, Grayson has really simplified this whole thing. It's almost like he's trying to single-handedly save the Democratic party from disaster in November. I would really like to see a huge wave of support behind this. It has the potential to be overwhelming.
I understand that as of today, we now have 41 senators signed onto voting for a public option. This particular public option will be difficult for anyone to walk away from, and I believe it might even gain a Republican vote or two if they wish to keep their seats.
I am hoping we will fight for this with everything we have. Tooth and nail will prevail.