Stop the Comcast-NBC Merger
The proposed Comcast-NBC merger would give Comcast unprecedented control of not just your television, but also all forms of online media, while at the same time saddling the company with $8 billion in debt.
How will they pay for this debt? Cut jobs? Raise rates? Both?
Comcast has a long history of trampling on the rights of workers. When Comcast merged with AT&T Broadband in 2002, it launched a deliberate campaign to purge itself of the existing unions. Will Comcast continue this practice and target the NABET-CWA and other union employees at NBC/Universal?
Let's not make the same mistakes again. Take a moment to to let your Senator know that you oppose the Comcast-NBC merger.
Dear < Decision Maker >,
(Edit Letter Below)
I write to you today to express my opposition to the proposed Comcast-NBC merger. A merger of this magnitude will only lead to increased prices, fewer jobs and less innovation and diversified content. Simply put, this merger is a bad investment for America.
A mega-merger like this one will pad the pockets of Wall Street executives, while leaving many workers and consumers empty handed.
Comcast has a long history of violating workers' rights and subcontracting to lower-wage workers. When Comcast merged with AT&T Broadband in 2002, it launched a deliberate campaign to purge itself of the existing unions. This shortchanges any investment in innovation while lining the pockets of corporate executives.
If anything we need the opposite right now. By stimulating competition and innovation we can foster additional job growth and better services.
Year after year Comcast raises its rates for its subscribers. By controlling the cable service, network and online media, Comcast has the opportunity to charge a premium for certain content resulting in increased cable bills nationwide and fewer choices from providers.
Please don't let this merger happen unchecked. Please ask tough questions during the Senate Commerce Committee hearings and do what you can to stand up for the consumers and workers you represent.
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Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation